Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Playtime :)

So the shoe has become quite the popular toy... Especially since I put a peanut butter filled kong inside! Lol :)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What a good boy :) lol

I recently came downstairs in the morning to take Coda out and it looked like it had snowed in his kennel... It must have been a slow night and he got a bit rowdy because he had torn a cushion apart and spread all of its stuffing everywhere! As you can see in the photo he looks completely innocent :)

As is typical with children who take the gift out of the box and then play with the box (much more fun!), Coda has been enjoying the homemade toys lately... I took an OJ jug and cut some holes in it and filled it with some kibble and he is having a blast chasing it around the living room, although it is bigger than his head! I also gave him an old running shoe (to the disgust of my mahjong friends who think it will encourage him to like all shoes). It was a cheap $5 walmart pair that I then poured beef gravy on... Now it's one of his favorite toys-especially the shoe laces.

It has become so much colder at night that now the hats and scarves have been brought up from the basement! On our night walks, usually around 11.30pm, I put on a halter and the flexi leash and Coda does a great job of not pulling. He is doing ok at "close", which means he is supposed to come back to me, so that I can get control of him if I see cars or people coming towards us. On our morning walk I use a short leash and his Premier "Easy Walk" harness and he does a decent job of not pulling.... I have lots more work to do with him on loose leash walking.