Thursday, July 11, 2013

Getting back in the swing of things...

Slowly, as my knee is healing, Coda and I have begun our daily walks again :) Right now I am only doing my evening walk for .64 mile, but I think that I am well enough to add in a short morning walk as well probably starting on Sunday... During the time that we didn't walk Coda and I both got out of shape as we are both panting heavily when we get back to the house each night. It is also in part because it has been HOT! I actually really enjoy going out in the evening. It's part of my routine and Coda seems to just love it.

I'm also getting into the grooming activities again! For the first time in ages I clipped Coda. I did the strip down his back and tidied up his face and ears. I've worked on his nails twice this week with the pedi paw, brushed his teeth and cleaned his ears :) He is looking very spiffy!

I am trying to let Coda be off the leash and able to follow me around the house. He does great when we are in the kitchen... Lots of good smells but nothing is on the ground for him to get into. It is much more difficult in the living room. skip tends to leave his cups and glasses on the floor next to the couch and Coda cannot resist trying to drink out of them which invariably leads to them being tipped over. We have had numerous glasses of water spilled :( I guess because of the smells he loves our shoes. We have never let him play with them but whenever the opportunity arises he is straight on the shoes chewing. He even loves anything in my basket or bags... Is it just because he knows he's not supposed to have that stuff that he goes for it??? After about 5 mins of no's and removing things from him I usually resort to putting Coda on the leash that is tied to the chair leg! I'm not sure what to do??


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