Monday, January 14, 2013

Quite a day!

Sunday was our first trip to a pet store with Coda!

Skip agreed to come with me, which meant that Coda got to ride on my lap in the car, which he likes much better than being in the kennel. He was very aware of all that we were driving past and was most curious about the light rail train which we had to stop for in Timonium.
When we got inside Petsmart we did an initial swing through the fish and feline departments to allow Coda to get settled and then we hit the dog section. We picked out a water bottle for him to drink from while in his pen, went past the training area for a brochure, looked at nail clippers, which Coda was very grateful that Skip wouldn't let me buy, ran through the checkout and we were outside again. No barking or growling :)
We took a walk to the other end of the strip mall so Skip could pop into the grocery store. Along the way Skip and I got into a "discussion" and while I was focusing on talking I noticed a pulling on the leash but keep walking until it came to an abrupt stop. I turned to find Coda squatting on the pavement trailing 8 poops as I had pulled him as he tried to go to the toilet.... my attempts to clean it up only resulted in a long trail of poop spread along the concrete... Not pretty!
So Coda and I sat outside on a bench while Skip went into the store. We were sat at some distance and he was very curious at all the sights and sounds of the cars and people and trolleys but despite my best efforts I wasn't able to get him to turn around for a photo...
It was all quite an experience and Coda came home and slept soundly for a couple of hours!

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