Thursday, March 28, 2013

6 months old!

Coda will be six months old on Saturday 30th March, 2013.

Today my little puppy became a dog... For the first time I saw his "pink lipstick" (to quote my nieces). It was a shock "OMG it's a penis" and a tender moment "oh what a little one... So cute!". What's clear is that he is growing up!

Who is Coda now?
- he is affectionate. When I let him out at 6am he rolls onto his back and wants me to tickle him. He lies calmly in my lap when we are watching tv as long as he has a bully stick to chew on and then sits like a cat and leans back against the couch. He likes to lick me face and my ears and sometimes forgets the difference between biting and licking! :)
-he is boisterous. He will jump up and down in his kennel banging against the sides. He will go "cracker dog" in the garden when he has to poop and just run back and forth the length of the yard :) He runs through the living room and jumps onto the couch and off again. He leaps out the door to the yard and skips the stairs...
-he loves tissues and paper. Skip has a habit of leaving tissues stuffed in the couch and Coda always finds them and tears them up and tosses them around everywhere!
-if you want him to not get into something you can guarantee that he will find it. A few days ago it was a soda in the car... He managed to get the lid off and then slurped up the coke and ate the lemon slices-all while in his seatbelt...
-he loves hot dogs, cold and slimy. He also likes a type of canned food that is called "hunks of beef" and it is exactly that!
-he enjoys playing fetch and tug. He doesn't always like to give up his toys-usually there is some growling before he caves.
-he is house trained! Aside from an accident on the carpet a month ago, which was my fault because I didn't take him out after letting him out of his kennel, he has had no breaks in training!
-he is smart. He are now learning to ring a bell to go outside!
-he listens to me.. Or I think he does!
-he walks well on the leash and does a sit at the curb before crossing the street.

Coda has really made a difference in my life. It has forced me to keep a strict routine-let him out at 6am, morning walk of 1 mile or so, training session, evening walk of about 1/2 mile. He makes me feel emotionally connected even on my worst days and I laugh with him a lot. He is always very excited to see me when I come home from work :) It's a real blessing having him around.

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